Zombie Dawn Apocalypse

Zombie Dawn Apocalypse by Michael G. Thomas

Book: Zombie Dawn Apocalypse by Michael G. Thomas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael G. Thomas
Tags: Fiction, Horror
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undead were now pressing the bridges hard. He pulled out his pistol and pointed at Davies’ head.
    “I’m placing you under arrest, you’re a risk to this town.”
    Artur reached out and grabbed him, looking around for somewhere to put him. Off to their right were several storerooms where the boats and some of the supplies used to be kept. Nick nodded.
    “Yeah, put him in there,” he said.
    Artur happily dragged the man off into the dark building and disappeared inside. Nick on the other hand was already heading back to the barricade and shouting at the people still moving supplies.
    “All of the bridge group get back now, if you don’t hold we all die. Don’t you realise, Davies knows we don’t have enough boats? He’s trying to save his own worthless skin,” Nick shouted.  
    The horde was now at the wall and trying to claw their way inside. Nick had seen this many times before and mostly the numbers of the dead proved enough to break the defences.
    “Come on, push them back!” he cried as he ran to the barricades.
    The bridge was a small iron affair and wide enough for only one vehicle. The barricade was about twenty feet wide and about five feet high. The raised platform gave a good fighting position to strike down at the dead. Nick lifted himself up to see what he could do to help.
    There were eighteen men on the platform, most firing antiquated weapons, whilst another reloaded them behind and then passed the loaded weapons back up to the platform. A zombie reached out, trying to grab at Nick. Without thinking, Nick pulled out his basher and brought it down hard onto the zombie’s head, forcing the creature to collapse to the ground. He looked up and into the distance, all he could see were zombies, there must have been three or four hundred of them. He turned back to the loaders behind them and held out his arms. Two of the women passed him a loaded hook gun. It was one of the early designs and was bigger and heavier than the more recent weapons. The gun was fitted with a burning piece of cord that was lowered by a metal section to the touch hole of the weapon. It was primitive, but simple to make and operate.
    Nick lowered the weapon onto the ledge and aimed it at the mass ahead. He pulled the rough metal lever and watched the burning match cord lower to the touch hole. The homemade gunpowder fizzled and flashed. There was a brief pause then the gun slammed back hard and a massive volume of smoke obliterated his view. The sound was deafening and Nick had to hold onto the barricade to stop from falling. He turned and passed the weapon down to find it replaced with a loaded crossbow.
    Nick turned back, the sound of the guns still blasting away. A tap on his shoulder indicated the arrival of Artur . He was bloodied, presumably from the fighting along the barricade, and carried his machete in one hand.
    “He’s locked up, are we holding?” shouted Artur .
    The smoke cleared enough for Nick to get a clean shot. He fired the weapon, sending a bolt into the head of an approaching zombie before handing the weapon back. The bodies were now starting to mass along the base of the barricade, essentially raising the following zombies by almost a foot. Artur drew his machete and the two hacked down several more creatures before stepping down. Their places were immediately taken by fresh fighters.
    Nick looked around the side of the barricade, noting with satisfaction that the numbers of undead were easily half of what they had been.
    “Yeah, we’re holding for now. The question is what about the rest of the town?” he said as he looked up to the castle.
    The two moved back to the motorcycles that were where they’d left them. As they reached the bikes a bright flash lit up the sky from a green flare. The two men followed the trail down, noting it had come from the other end of the town.
    “Shit, is that the east side?” asked Artur .
    “Yeah,” said Nick, “come on, we need to get over there and

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