Zombie Dawn Apocalypse

Zombie Dawn Apocalypse by Michael G. Thomas Page B

Book: Zombie Dawn Apocalypse by Michael G. Thomas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael G. Thomas
Tags: Fiction, Horror
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you some tea, but leave me a minute to discuss this with Dave before he goes to look for them.”
    “Thank you, thank you so much.”
    She walked in through the front door, and Roger waited until she was well clear of them before turning to Dave.
    “What’s up?” asked Dave.
    “This is probably just kids having their fun, but this storm, and them disappearing all at once makes me just a little suspicious, or cautious at least. I want you to grab three of the guys and head out to find them, never be alone at any one time, and Dave, take weapons,” said Roger.
    “You think we’ll need them?”
    “I don’t believe so and hope not, but you never know, these are uncertain times, and there’s always some threat from other survivors wanting to take what we have. People are far from civil in desperate times, as we know.”
    Dave walked into the big old house and went upstairs to where they kept their weapons. All of the islanders kept weapons in their homes in cases of emergency, many were close quarter weapons. He grabbed two double barrel shotguns, two bows, two satchels of ammunition and two quivers. He pulled on his leathers, a good solid lightweight protection, hoping he wouldn’t need it. Dave was startled by the sound of someone entering the room, it was Steve.
    “What’s going on?”
    “The boys are missing, it’s likely to be nothing, but Roger wants to proceed with caution, you coming?” asked Dave.
    “Yeah, sure.”
    “Alright, we don’t want to cause any panic, go grab Tommy and Jones, and meet me a hundred yards behind the house.”
    Twenty minutes later the three men met Dave, confused to see him sitting with the weapons beside him.
    “What are those for?”
    “We’re going looking for the boys who have gone missing, Tommy. We have no reason to believe there’s any risk to us, but that is not a reason to be careless. They’re probably just messing about and having fun, but I want us to stay safe and sensible,” said Dave.
    “Where do you think they’ve gone?” asked Tommy.
    “I would say the Northwest Lighthouse is most likely, it’s where I would go, the furthest point from home and a fun place to mess about,” said Dave.
    He passed them their weapons, the bows to Steve and Jones, the spare shotgun to Tommy. They set out following the easterly coastline, not wanting to cross paths with the other islanders and cause them any undue panic. All of the islanders lived in the south of the island, among Millcombe House, the church and Marisco Tavern. The survivors used the fields in the south for farming, whilst the northern part of the island remained unused, apart from casual walks in their spare time.
    With their weapons and ammunition slung over their backs the four men continued on across the island.   It was a forty-five minute walk to the lighthouse, though they were constantly on the lookout for the boys or evidence of them. It was a quiet walk, with light rain starting early on and then pouring constantly, along with a light breeze.
    The group reached the lighthouse with no sign of any life, though Dave noticed the back door to the lighthouse was open, he shouldered his shotgun and stepped carefully towards the opening, Tommy following suit.
    “You ready?” asked Dave.
    “Yeah,” said Tommy.
    “Go!” Dave shouted.
    The two men stormed through the open door, raising their weapons as they got into the room. There was no movement at all, though Ryan’s baseball cap was lying on a desk towards the front of the room.
    “They must have been here recently, Dave,” said Tommy.
    “No shit.”
    The two men lowered their weapons and strolled towards the front of the room where the large windows looked out to sea. Dave picked up the cap, thinking about where they would have gone next.
    “Fuck, when did that appear?” asked Tommy.
    “Come and check it out.”
    Dave walked to the window where Tommy was still looking out. To Dave’s surprise the object he was talking about

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