Zombie Dawn Apocalypse

Zombie Dawn Apocalypse by Michael G. Thomas Page A

Book: Zombie Dawn Apocalypse by Michael G. Thomas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael G. Thomas
Tags: Fiction, Horror
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    Lundy Island, England

    A week had passed with the populace having a day off from their not particularly strenuous or stressful work. Later that day the remaining islanders assembled at Millcombe House, which Roger had taken as his home along with Dave, and Steve a native of the island. Many evenings the community met for dinner at the large manor house. After all the friends and family that everyone had lost, all welcomed the evening company.
    “Looks like a storm is coming in,” said Steve.
    “Yes it does look that way,” said Roger.
    “Have we got much firewood?” asked Dave.
    “Yeah, tons,” said Steve.
    Kelly placed three wine bottles down on the table near Roger for him to open, of which he began doing.
    “I suspect we’ll be running low on wine before long,” said Roger.
    “Yeah, well it has been almost a year since our last trip to the mainland, I’ll organise another for next week,” said Dave.
    “Good chap, where would we be without wine?” asked Roger.
    “Rather more sober I should think!” shouted Dave.
    “And why by God would we ever want to be that?”   Roger asked them.
    The group chuckled as Travis and James began to bring food through, they took it in turns each week to prepare the meals. Life had become steady and consistent for all of them now, almost forgetting the luxuries they were using to in their previous lives, and the horrors of the recent years. No longer did they have guard duties, patrols and soldiers, just a simple farming community. The weapons and armour they had used to reach or defend the island were now long packed away in their homes, but always ready for a rainy day.
    Later that night the islanders got up to return to their homes, having already heard the wind beating on the walls of the house. Dave opened the front door to let their friends out, but was nearly thrown off his feet by the wind which threw the door inwards, crashing again the inner wall.
    “Fuck me, that’s a bit much!” shouted Dave.
    “Yeah, and the rain hasn’t come yet.” James said.
    “You’d best be off quickly!” Roger said.
    The guests piled out of the big manor house, into the howling wind. A few hours later the storm really hit the island hard with torrential rain and gales. Slates were thrown off many of the roofs, and some windows broken by debris, it was the worst weather any of them had ever witnessed. The next morning, Roger and Dave stepped out of their home to survey the damage.
    “That was a rough night.”
    “No shit, Roger, we’ll have to take the day off for repairs,” said Dave.
    “Yes, notify everyone, stay at home and do the repairs necessary. If you need help, come here to find it, and if you have nothing to repair, help those around you.”
    “Alright, I’ll get on it,” replied Dave.
    An hour later there was a ladder propped against Millcombe House and Dave was on the roof with Tommy. Neither man had even been on a roof before, let alone any knowledge on fixing them, but needs must as the devil drives. In the disorganised day of repairs and work everyone lost sight of the boys, Ryan and Dennis. The community let the boys play freely on the island, content in the safety their isolated community gave them.  
    It was two hours before anyone noticed that the lads were missing, when Sandra got concerned and started asking questions, having assumed they were safely mingling with the islanders as they made their repairs. She ran up to Millcombe House, the men could already see the worry in her face.
    “What’s happened?” asked Roger.
    “The boys, I can’t find them anywhere!” she shouted.
    “You’re sure they are not with any others doing the repairs?”
    “Yes, I checked with everyone!”
    “What are you thinking?” asked Dave.
    “They’re boys, they have probably just gone on an adventure,” said Roger.
    “So you’re going to do nothing?” asked Sandra.
    “No, of course not. Sandra, go inside and sit down, I’ll make

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