SCARRED - Part 5

SCARRED - Part 5 by Kylie Walker

Book: SCARRED - Part 5 by Kylie Walker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kylie Walker
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her. It had been almost two weeks since Derek Stark had his “accident” and Jesse had been watching her every move since.
    The building she was staying in not only had a doorman, but an armed security officer at the front door. Who the hell do these people think they are? Whenever she left the apartment, she was with Kevin or Jake. She went to the hospital every day. Today was the first day Jesse had seen her get into the car alone and get out at the hospital alone. She was getting braver...he just had to be patient a little while longer. He pulled his hands into a fist and opened them up. He did it again...Soon.
    He waited until the brown Bentley pulled out into the afternoon traffic and then he pulled the stolen Ford Bronco away from the curb. The Bronco was at least twelve years old and a non-descript dark blue color. Some soccer mom in Rhode Island put all of her kid’s stuff in it, started it and went back in to get them. Jesse simply walked up, climbed in and drove away. That was a week ago. If the kids hadn’t been there, he may have gotten busy with soccer mom...she was kind of hot. But he didn’t have time for that kind of headache. He’d probably have to find another car soon. He didn’t like to keep any of them too long.
    He followed the Bentley onto the Interstate and realized they were heading to Rhode Island. Shit! He hated that hell hole.
    He’d been happy when Kelly started staying in Manhattan. He loved New York and since he planned on keeping her alive long enough to make damned sure that she experienced pain like nothing she’d ever felt before...he would really prefer to do it in a swank apartment in Manhattan over a dump condo in Rhode Island, but he would do whatever he had to. She would die one way or the other.
    He seriously considered grabbing her earlier when she came out of the hospital. As she hurried out to get into the waiting Bentley he thought about just grabbing her and throwing her into his car. He forced himself to wait though. If he took her out in public he wouldn’t have any time to spend having fun. He’d just have to kill her and that would be the end of it. He’d spent a lot of time anticipating this...he had to keep his patience in check or he would blow it.
    He could see her head in the back seat of the car up ahead. He wondered if she was screwing Jake and Kevin too. She always was a little slut. If the stupid little bitch thought riding around in a two-hundred thousand dollar car made her any less of a piece of trash, she was wrong. She was just trash in an expensive can.
    He let himself imagine all of the things he would do to her when he finally got the chance on the long three hour drive to Rhode Island. It thrilled him to imagine what it would feel like to slice open her watch the light drain out of her eyes. He was surprised when they passed the exit that would take them down to her condo and instead took the one two exits up. He realized as soon as they got off the freeway that they were going to the Krav Maga studio where she either took classes or screwed the instructor in the back room. He’d never been able to get close enough to actually see what she did in there. He’d try and get a better look today.
    Stark’s car dropped her off and then it took off again with Jake inside. Jesse parked his stolen car a few blocks away. He would probably just leave it there and find himself another one before he took back off for New York. He always wore latex gloves while he was in the car, but he used an oil rag to wipe everything down anyways...just in case. He wasn’t going to get arrested for something stupid. He had too much to do.
    He crossed the street on foot and standing at the edge of the big window, he looked inside. He could see a tall man with a lot of muscle, surrounded by about ten women and one man. They were all in work-out gear. Kelly wasn’t in the group so he went around the building to see if there was another way in. There was a door

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