The Book of Even More Awesome

The Book of Even More Awesome by Neil Pasricha Page A

Book: The Book of Even More Awesome by Neil Pasricha Read Free Book Online
Authors: Neil Pasricha
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and retreat to the couch where I occupy myself with productive jobs such as piling all the coasters , finger-dragging the crumbs out the side of the cushions, or trying to eat a potato chip without chewing it, which is actually much more difficult than it sounds.
    This is why it’s so great when someone finally places the last piece of the puzzle.
    There’s usually giddy anticipation as the pace quickens toward the finale. All fingers get into the game, attaching the two giant puzzle chunks together, and then someone finally drops in that one piece we all knew was here somewhere with the other half of the bird’s wing on it.
    Hey, the last piece of the puzzle is great because it means you have the last piece of the puzzle. Let’s not overlook this fact. After all, who among us hasn’t picked up a cheapo garage sale special only to discover it was four pieces short when you were putting it together? Talk about a buzz kill.
    Secondly, it means you finally get to see the big picture. Up until that point it’s all poking, prodding, and passing around the dog-eared box top, but now we’ve got a poster. Some people mount these things and stick them on a wall. Nothing wrong with that.
    Lastly, there is a thick and heady sense of smoking satisfaction in the air. Even though I’m probably spilling a tall glass of wine and flipping past infomercials at this point, even I can feel it. The gang all pitched in, helped out, and accomplished the big mission together.
    Now the party can really get nuts.

When you know someone well enough to go in their fridge without asking
    Talk about an intimate moment.
    It’s one thing to strike up a conversation, grab drinks after work , start hanging on weekends, and become close friends.
    It’s another thing to have open fridge access.
    Honestly, if you’re cool with sharing your food supply, then you two are tight like twins. You’ve probably known each other so long that all courtesies have gone out the window in favor of getting cozy on the couch with some juice and puddings.
    When someone grabs a bunch of grapes from your crisper, snags cold pizza from the box, or starts making a sandwich with whatever’s around, then I’ve got news for you.
    You’ve got yourself a best friend.

When you finish your milkshake and then remember there’s more in that stainless steel cup
    How delicious was that thick and creamy shake you just slurped through the fat straw at the roadside diner? Sitting in the torn vinyl booths by the jukebox, you drank those tiny bubbles, slurped cold clumps , and shot back all the swirling sweet cream at the bottom of the glass.
    Your entire body shivered and shook and you sucked back that delicious frosty glass of milkshake.
    And guess what?
    There’s more.

Emptying the recycling bin on your computer
    As old school assignments, half-downloaded MP3s , and duplicate photos crumple and disappear from your hard drive, you settle back into your office chair, slap your hands together, and smile at finishing up The World’s Easiest Chore.

Waking up to the smell of sizzling bacon

    Lazing around in crumpled sheets, sun streaking through the blinds, you open your eyes and blink slowly while your lips curl into a smile. You glance casually at the alarm clock, stare at the ceiling, and flip your pillow.
    Then it hits you.
    Nose twitching, brain sniffing, you catch faint fumes of something sizzling in the kitchen. Can it be? Is this why you woke up? You bunny-sniff again and this time you’re positive, you’re certain, you’re sure.
    It smells like mom’s cooking breakfast on a holiday morning. It smells like a sunny Sunday at the chilly campsite with your boyfriend. It smells like pajamas and a fresh newspaper with your grad school roommates.
    It smells like little white grease bubbles in a crispy black pan.
    And it smells a lot like

Jumping as

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