“ Are you waiting for someone?”
“ Kind of.”
“ Kind of?” he asked curiously.
“ I ’ ll know him when I see him,” she quipped playfully, running her fingertip over the rim of her glass.
He gazed at he r for a moment before recognition lit his eyes. He knew exactly what she wanted. She read it in his features, in the wicked grin that split his devastatingly handsome face.
“ Really? Well, I envy him, whoever he may be.”
Slipping off of the stool, he he ld out his hand. “ While you're waiting, would you care to dance?”
He didn ’ t know it, but she just found whom she ’ d been waiting for.
Smiling, her skin tingling, she slipped from the stool, her hand secure within his grasp.
The slide of his skin again st hers sent a wave of heat straight to her core.
The music blared louder as he lead her onto the floor.
As they danced she took the liberty of running her hands over his shoulders, down his broad chest, increasing ratcheting her already smoldering need another notch. The fact his hands were roaming her openly didn ’ t help her need any. With every touch she felt herself growing moist, a liquid heat settled between her legs.
Gripping her waist he turned her away from him and pressed himself against her. S he could feel the length of his erection pressing insistently against her ass as she moved against him to the beat of the music.
Why haven ’ t I ever done this before? She wondered fleetingly as she reveled in the feel of his hands just below her breasts.
Suddenly, he turned her to face him once again pulling her tight against his chest. The shift in position allowed him to press his hard member against her lower belly eliciting a shiver, a soft moan.
Leaning close, his breath tickled her ear, his voice rumbled, “ I think I know who you're waiting for, and he ’ s ready to get out of here.”
The ache that had been with her since leaving her apartment intensified as she took in his hungry expression. She nodded.
“ Come with me.”
Taking his hand, she follow ed him through the club, out onto the still crowded sidewalk.
“ My car ’ s just over there.”
Following the direction he pointed, she smiled at the black BMW sitting at the corner.
The cold night air nipped at her exposed back and legs as he led her to th e car. Opening the door, he helped her inside. She watched with a secret smile as he then circled the vehicle and let himself in.
“ Your place or mine?”
This was a one-time thing, and inhibitions were out, but she still held onto a modicum of safety for herself. “ My place. Fallwell Towers.”
There was a guard in the lobby incase anyone tried anything funny.
“ Got it,” he said with a smile as they darted into the night.
Chapter Two
Robbie grinned to himself as he sped down th e street into the darkness of night.
The finest women he ’ d ever met sat next to him, raring to go. He could practically smell her desire pouring off of her in waves. This must be his lucky day. She looked so delectable in a tight black dress barely cover ing her pert ass. The front v-cut showed off her perky breasts perfectly.
He imagined cupping those round orbs in his palms as he suckled the tight peaks.
He didn ’ t usually go around picking up strange women in clubs, but tonight was different. The wom an sitting across from him was too good to pass up. He ’ d be a fool to walk away.
Pulling next to the curb outside her apartment building, he shut off the ignition, then quickly exited the car.
Opening her door, he watched as she stepped out and adjuste d her scant skirt before striding to the double glass doors leading into the building. Just the subtle sway of her hips had him hardening in his jeans.
Rubbing his palm down his ever-hardening erection, Robbie took a deep breath and followed her quickly into the
Leslie North
Alice Gaines
Nancy C. Johnson
Nancy Bowser
Therese Bohman
Hilary Badger
Donna Lea Simpson
Kimberley Freeman
Phil Jackson, Hugh Delehanty
Bryan Chick